Anatomic Pathology
Welcome to ZooQuatic Laboratory’s Pathology Services, specializing in the anatomic pathology of teleosts, elasmobranchs, marine invertebrates (jellies, cephalopods, crustaceans, bivalves), marine mammals, marine birds, amphibians, as well as terrestrial wildlife. Our board-certified pathologists are available for diagnostic analysis of histology specimens, as well as for consultation and participation on diagnostic investigations and research projects.
Let us work for you! ZQ is pleased to offer an in-depth customized pathology service that goes beyond the regular submission and interpretation of casework. ZQ's Remote Pathologist Program puts a pathologist on your team.

Cost of Service
Our FEE SCHEDULE for animals submitted is based on the size and number of submitted tissues. An additional grossing/trimming fee is assessed for large tissues or bodies (>4-5”) submitted whole and/or unfixed.
Fee Structure & Specimen Definitions
The fees for all specimens include decalcification, preparation and interpretation of H&E slides, and our Standard Report with a morphologic diagnosis and comments on the case.
Prices effective February 1, 2023 reflect a cash discount of 3%, applicable with payment of invoice by ACH or Check. Prices are subject to change.
How to submit a specimen for pathology
Please be sure to use the ZQ PATH SUBMISSION FORM when submitting your animal, tissue set, or biopsy. Samples for the ZooQuatic Pathology Service are to be sent to the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (NHVDL) for the preparation of histology slides, which will then be distributed to our pathologists for interpretation. If you would like a specific pathologist to evaluate your submission, please do so by requesting this on the line for “Special Instructions”.
Please submit formalin-fixed tissues. Small fish/amphibians should be submitted whole with an incision in the abdomen to facilitate fixation. Tissues from larger animals should be no more than 5 mm in thickness but can be larger in other dimension for orientation and gross identification. A ratio of 10- parts formalin to 1-part tissues is strongly recommended. Tissues can be pre-fixed in larger volumes of formalin and shipped in smaller volumes of formalin or wrapped in formalin-dampened towels to reduce shipping weights.
Requesting RUSH or EXPEDITED processing. If RUSH processing is desired, please indicate that on our submission form. RUSH cases will be interpreted by Dr. Inga Sidor at UNH with a 2 or 3-day turnaround. If EXPEDITED processing is desired, please indicate that on the submission form. Expedited cases are interpreted by the pathologist of your choice with a turnaround time of 8 business days. Please review our FEE SCHEDULE for the cost of these services.
Shipping your samples
Pathology samples are to be sent directly to the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (NHVDL) for the preparation of histology slides, which will then be distributed to our pathologists for interpretation. If you would like a specific pathologist to evaluate your submission, please indicate that on the Pathology Submission form.
Instructions for shipping samples can be found here
Samples, with the submission form, must be shipped to NHVDL at this address:
New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory21 Botanical Lane Address
Durham, NH 03824
We strongly recommend use of commercial carriers instead of the USPS. Pre-paid shipping labels and small formalin containers are also available at the link above. Questions about sample receipt should be directed to the NHVDL office at (603) 862-2726. Questions about specimen handling and reporting of results should be directed to the pathologists or ZooQuatic Laboratory.